

Puri Rinjani Resort on Kuta Beach

CEO Vera told us the interesting folklore connected to this place
and the annual festival called Bau Nyale - "catch the seaworm".


The lobby of our resort hotel: The Puri Rinjani

Sue-On and another Bill in the lobby.
He joined us for the last week of our tour.
Bill is a retired geophysicist from Calgary.

1. Mealtime in the hotel dining room wth our Lombok travel group.
2. Kevin, sitting on the left, living and working in Singapore as an IT researcher also joined our groupWo.

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Fish ~ Rice ~ Meat ~ Veggies
Fresh Fruit ~ Pandan Pancake with Banana ~ Mung Bean Bubur  porridge

Sue-On always thinks of her gardening friends, especially her "Crazy Plant Lady" buddies
when she's surrounded by all these beautiful plants.


This statue in the window blocked inquisitive eyes that may snoop into our bathroom
Bar and dining room.
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1. The view across the street from our resort.
The imposing structure on the left blocked the view of the beach!
It was built by the government.
At first, we thought it was to give a raised view point out over the water, but nope.
It was only to house bathrooms, showers, etc. down on ground level.
And there is a charge to use these facilities. What a waste!
2. And yet another concrete building - we're not sure of what it's used for.
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The Young and Brave off for surfing lesson!

Entering the Nearby Hindu Temple

Hinduism plays an important role here on Lombok. In many Hindu homes, and even at this resort, there is a shrine for worship. As always, there is a sign that states "Women who are having their period are not allowed in".

As in the other major religions, menstruation is deemed a sign of not only physical but also spiritual impurity. During her cycle, a woman is forbidden from entering not only Hindu temples but also her own kitchen. She must not sleep in the daytime, bathe, have sex, touch other living humans, or speak loudly. In many cases, she is banished to live in a “menstrual hut” outside her home. But unlike other religions, she is deemed pure once the moment menstruation ceases—there is no purification process or ritual bathing necessary.

According to Quran 2:222:This is basically a much less severe version of the Judaic niddah—during her period a woman is considered unclean, but the only restrictions are that she not have sex, touch a Quran, or enter a mosque for a full week. As in Judaism, she must undergo a ritual bath before being deemed “clean” again. . . . MORE
Here’s What The World’s Major Religions Say About Your Period

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Part of the
Hillman Travel Adventures
Bill and Sue-On Hillman