At the Obamas' portrait unveiling
at the White House,
Obama described the presidency
as a relay race.
If so, Trump fumbled and dropped
the baton in the hand-off, tripped on it,
stumbling to the ground, rolling
on his fat ass,
and getting cinders in his chubby
dimpled knees.
And when he finally lumbered
up, he waddled off in the wrong direction.
But by then the race was over
But he says he won. Splain dat!
~ Charles Edward Pogue
Liz Cheney has been called a
RINO by many Republicans (including some in quite high positions).
What does it tell us about the
party if Cheney is a Republican In Name Only?
It would mean that whatever
transgression Cheney has committed is the very defining feature of the
Republican party.
It would mean that she doesn't
support any of the essential policies that make someone a Republican.
Generally the insult is reserved
for someone who supports welfare policies or someone who isn't pro-life
But the fact that Cheney, of
all people, have been attacked as a RINO is quite interesting.
The only thing that Cheney can
be seen as doing which is against Republican orthodoxy is opposing Donald
Otherwise she votes with Republicans
on almost every issue. She isn't even a moderate.
The fact that Cheney is a “RINO”
tells us that
the only important element of
being a Republican these days, is fealty to Donald Trump.